Over the course of three very different sessions, Damien was able to help peel away multiple layers of accumulated emotional body imbalance. Depending on the emerging priority of the session, the effects were different. I felt much energy being moved, especially in the first deep session, and felt lighter after all three. It was definitely a necessity progression!
"I like to get monthly tune-ups because I can tell my body responds well to the treatments and something interesting always shows up in the sessions. I also notice a general sense of well-being after the sessions as well as relief if I'm experiencing any kind of symptoms like not sleeping well, pain, itching from bug bites, and fatigue to name a few. Mostly I use the treatments as part of my wellness and self-care. Damien is highly intuitive, professional, and a skilled practitioner. The treatments always dive into something that needed to be looked at and I love how in-depth and thorough the methodology is. "
My work with Damien continues to be a work in process. Damien is a skilled and compassionate healer and I am so glad our paths crossed
"The session left me feeling overall relaxed and confident and for the next couple weeks I experienced a large increase in my financial gain. Receiving mayn’t more clients without effort. I felt the session shifted a blockage that was keeping me from being available to this abundance. "